Futuristic technologies blurring the lines of reality, apocalyptic events, alien abductions, mythological creatures and portals into other worlds; these shorts expand the realms of possibility. Films included: Memories, Ta'i, Home, Starbound, Do Digital Curanderas Use Eggs In Their Limpias?, N'xaxaitkw, and Katele (mudskipper).
Compelling experimental shorts that weave soundscapes with the evolution, formation and connection to land and water. Films included: Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal, Drumoh, Distant, The Golden Age, kobechenonk, Ajá (Water), and Biolumin.
A whimsical trek through the woods, connecting with and standing up for the earth, reconnecting with the past and present. Films included: Starlight Sojourn, Ni Wapiten (I see), NANGULVI, Follow, Nemi, The Bull of Cold, Rieban - The Fox, and Whistling Woods.
A large part of the human experience is learning how to deal with the multitude of ways we can experience and process grief. Whether the grief is deep and spiritual, steeped in love, cultural, physical, sudden or anticipated, learning to embrace loss is a life skill. Films included: Heart Like a Pow Wow, A Bear Named Jesus, Four Nights and a Fire, A Boy and His Loss, Grape Soda in the Parking Lot, I won’t remain alone, and Fast Eddie.
A Mother’s Love is resilient, strong and determined. It transcends physical boundaries. It finds a village shared among sisters and aunties, and it does it on its own. This program honours the ways motherhood can exist. Films included: istén:′a, The Sky is Very Pretty, Entre Nous Locataires (Between Us Tenants), Camping, AYKUO, Nigiqtuq (The South Wind), and He Karu He Taringa.
A whimsical trek through the woods, connecting with and standing up for the earth, reconnecting with the past and present. Films included: Starlight Sojourn, Ni Wapiten (I see), NANGULVI, Follow, Nemi, The Bull of Cold, Rieban - The Fox, and Whistling Woods.
Oct 21 '23 9:00 PM – 10:35 PM (TBLB 3 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Sensory Friendly Screening
Based on the play of the same name by Kenneth T. Williams, and inspired by true events, Café Daughter is a coming-of-age story about Yvette Wong, a young Chinese Cree girl in 1960s Saskatchewan, who explores and embraces her Cree identity after the passing of her mother.Sensory Friendly Screenings are screenings where the environment is adjusted to accommodate people who would appreciate a positive, inclusive space, such as a relaxed attitude towards noise and movement, slightly lowered volume and lights at a dim level, and a minimal introduction with no Q&A. People also are more than welcome to leave their seats to roam around.
Oct 21 '23 1:45 PM – 2:47 PM (TBLB 3 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Shorts Program
This program showcases some of the 16mm films made during Saugeen Takes on Film (STOF) intergenerational workshops from 2018 to 2023. Animating archival photographs, artifacts, and traditional knowledge, the filmmakers tap into their vibrant community, Saugeen First Nation, using hand-processing techniques with flowers. This screening is supported by Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre.
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
A woman vigilantly trails the cops who pick her friend up after a night out. She doesn’t know where they are taking her, but she knows she will not become a victim.
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
In this heartfelt, short documentary, Keisha Erwin shares their transformative journey of reconnecting with their family and culture in Northern Saskatchewan, demonstrating the power of healing through reconnection.