A large part of the human experience is learning how to deal with the multitude of ways we can experience and process grief. Whether the grief is deep and spiritual, steeped in love, cultural, physical, sudden or anticipated, learning to embrace loss is a life skill. Films included: Heart Like a Pow Wow, A Bear Named Jesus, Four Nights and a Fire, A Boy and His Loss, Grape Soda in the Parking Lot, I won’t remain alone, and Fast Eddie.
A Mother’s Love is resilient, strong and determined. It transcends physical boundaries. It finds a village shared among sisters and aunties, and it does it on its own. This program honours the ways motherhood can exist. Films included: istén:′a, The Sky is Very Pretty, Entre Nous Locataires (Between Us Tenants), Camping, AYKUO, Nigiqtuq (The South Wind), and He Karu He Taringa.
Oct 17 '23 7:00 PM – 9:25 PM (TBLB 1 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Since her sister’s disappearance, Jax has cared for her niece Roki by scraping by on the Seneca-Cayuga Reservation in Oklahoma. At the risk of losing custody to Jax’s father, the pair hit the road and scour the backcountry to track down Roki’s mother in time for the powwow. What begins as a search gradually turns into a far deeper investigation into the complexities and contradictions of Indigenous women moving through a colonized world and at the mercy of a failed justice system. This screening is supported by CBC
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
With the help of a sister, a Navajo woman escapes New Mexican militia slave traders to find her way back home.
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
A young girl coming into her womanhood is embraced by her family and empowered to continue the Flower Dance Ceremony, a celebration gifted by the Creator to her people.
Oct 19 '23 10:00 AM – 11:06 AM (TBLB 1 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
What does it mean to be Indigenous when you are away from home? You Know Who You Are explores connection to country and identity as diasporic Indigenous peoples across the great ocean of the Pacific. Films included: Babanil, Belonging, Plastic - A love letter to the estranged, Pasifika Drift, and The Mainland.This is a free NON-TICKETED event! Spots are first come first serve so arrive early!
Oct 19 '23 1:15 PM – 2:50 PM (TBLB 1 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Since her sister’s disappearance, Jax has cared for her niece Roki by scraping by on the Seneca-Cayuga Reservation in Oklahoma. What begins as a search gradually turns into a far deeper investigation into the complexities and contradictions of Indigenous women moving through a colonized world and at the mercy of a failed justice system.Industry Screenings are only open to badge holders. Industry screenings are first come, first served and cannot be reserved in advance.
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
A coming of age story about a young, undocumented Guatemalan woman at odds between her socio-economic status and her dreams of being on a prestigious country club swim team.