Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
With captivating animation that skews the lines between reality and imagination, Mother (EADNI) is a retelling of childhood memory and the inherent connection to land between mother and daughter.
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
With the help of a sister, a Navajo woman escapes New Mexican militia slave traders to find her way back home.
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
Robin’s mind is full of her memories and experiences and is home to a figure of her consciousness who makes decisions to keep Robin safe and happy. This figure is faced with a challenge. She must make the hard decision whether to destroy the memories and everything connected to them or to try to live with them in harmony.
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
A young girl coming into her womanhood is embraced by her family and empowered to continue the Flower Dance Ceremony, a celebration gifted by the Creator to her people.
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
Documentation of time spent stewarding the ReSistering/Queering Place garden on the Niwa'ah onega'haih'ih/Kobechenonk/Humber river, and reflections on water and grief.
Oct 20 '23 (Virtual)
An honest & comedic exploration of the urban queer & trans indigenous experience centred around a group of friends & their social media engrossed lives.
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
Martha, an Indigenous woman works tirelessly in a laundromat loading machines and folding washing, ready for the collection of her boss. When a mysterious visitor arrives, Martha is reminded of the life she has left behind.
Oct 18 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
An elderly couple struggles with the decision to donate their son’s organs while coming to terms with his impending death.
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)