Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
Technological futurisms, mythological, supernatural, macabre encounters - these shorts will give you a twisted sense of the world as we know it.
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
Navigating a world of misconceptions around race, sexual and gender identities can be tough, but becomes a lot easier when we can ground ourselves proudly in who we are.
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
Coming of age, uplifting the inherent divine connection to land, and falling back on ancestral knowledge. Matriarchs in the Making captures the strength of women upholding generational power and breaking cycles.
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
These stories from Māori filmmakers explore how water, land and breath supports their cultural identity as they navigate hostile spaces.
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
A whimsical trek through the woods, connecting with and standing up for the earth, reconnecting with the past and present.This is an online exclusive shorts program. Films: Starlight Sojourn, Ni Wapiten (I see), Follow, Nemi, Rieban - the Fox, The Bull of Cold, HOME, and Whistling Woods.
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
A Mother’s Love is resilient, strong and determined. It transcends physical boundaries. It finds a village, shared among sisters and aunties, and it does it on its own. This program honors the ways motherhood can exist.
Oct 21 '23 9:15 PM – 10:33 PM (TBLB 4 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
Shorts Program
Compelling experimental shorts that weave soundscapes with the evolution, formation and connection to land and water.
Oct 21 '23 6:15 PM – 8:00 PM (TBLB 4 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Shorts Program
Futuristic technologies blurring the lines of reality, apocalyptic events, alien abductions, mythological creatures and portals into other worlds; these shorts expand the realms of possibility.
Oct 20 '23 – Oct 21 '23 11:59 PM – 1:17 AM (TBLB 1 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Shorts Program
What will begin with satirical laughs will leave you feeling spooked and disturbed. Proceed with caution.
Oct 20 '23 7:30 PM – 9:03 PM (TBLB 4 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
Oct 23 -29 (Virtual)
Shorts Program
Big hair, big fashion, make-up, dance, drag, vogue, catwalk. Whatever way you werk it, you’ll leave grandma screaming “That’s My Baby!”