Futuristic technologies blurring the lines of reality, apocalyptic events, alien abductions, mythological creatures and portals into other worlds; these shorts expand the realms of possibility. Films included: Memories, Ta'i, Home, Starbound, Do Digital Curanderas Use Eggs In Their Limpias?, N'xaxaitkw, and Katele (mudskipper).
Oct 18 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
Martha, an Indigenous woman works tirelessly in a laundromat loading machines and folding washing, ready for the collection of her boss. When a mysterious visitor arrives, Martha is reminded of the life she has left behind.
Oct 19 '23 10:00 AM – 11:06 AM (TBLB 1 - TIFF Bell Lightbox)
What does it mean to be Indigenous when you are away from home? You Know Who You Are explores connection to country and identity as diasporic Indigenous peoples across the great ocean of the Pacific. Films included: Babanil, Belonging, Plastic - A love letter to the estranged, Pasifika Drift, and The Mainland.This is a free NON-TICKETED event! Spots are first come first serve so arrive early!
Oct 18 '23 (Virtual)