Oct 20 '23 (Virtual)
Inspired by the power of nature, Skádja is a queer story from Sápmi about regaining freedom and autonomy.
What does it mean to be Indigenous when you are away from home? You Know Who You Are explores connection to country and identity as diasporic Indigenous peoples across the great ocean of the Pacific. Films included: Babanil, Belonging, Plastic - A love letter to the estranged, Pasifika Drift, and The Mainland.
Big hair, big fashion, make-up, dance, drag, vogue, catwalk. Whatever way you werk it, you’ll leave grandma screaming, “That’s My Baby!” Films included: Club Kid Alley, BUTTERFLY/BATAPLAI, Ancestral Threads, Brolesque, and The Alexander Ball.
Sometimes when injustices happen we have to take things into our own hands. Those moments that give us a heightened sense of awareness of what is going on around us are no accident. Stay proactive, stay vocal, stay vigilant. Films included: Redlights, To Be Silent, and No Māori Allowed.
This series is crafted by Two-Spirit + Indigiqueer filmmakers, revealing the magic, vulnerability, and above all, a celebration of Queer joy. From leaky roofs to deep introspections: this short program explores themes of identity and the immense power it holds on screen and behind the camera. Films included: Headdress, Can I Love You?, pî-kiwîk, I AM HOME, Aikāne, Dear Kin, and The Roof.
Coming of age, uplifting the inherent divine connection to land, and falling back on ancestral knowledge. A Long Line of Ladies captures the strength of women upholding generational power and breaking cycles. Films included: Nisihkason Lex, Mother (EADNI), Whirlflow, Gabriela, Metal Belt, Long Line of Ladies, and Our Grandmother The Inlet.
Futuristic technologies blurring the lines of reality, apocalyptic events, alien abductions, mythological creatures and portals into other worlds; these shorts expand the realms of possibility. Films included: Memories, Ta'i, Home, Starbound, Do Digital Curanderas Use Eggs In Their Limpias?, N'xaxaitkw, and Katele (mudskipper).
Compelling experimental shorts that weave soundscapes with the evolution, formation and connection to land and water. Films included: Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal, Drumoh, Distant, The Golden Age, kobechenonk, Ajá (Water), and Biolumin.
A whimsical trek through the woods, connecting with and standing up for the earth, reconnecting with the past and present. Films included: Starlight Sojourn, Ni Wapiten (I see), NANGULVI, Follow, Nemi, The Bull of Cold, Rieban - The Fox, and Whistling Woods.
A large part of the human experience is learning how to deal with the multitude of ways we can experience and process grief. Whether the grief is deep and spiritual, steeped in love, cultural, physical, sudden or anticipated, learning to embrace loss is a life skill. Films included: Heart Like a Pow Wow, A Bear Named Jesus, Four Nights and a Fire, A Boy and His Loss, Grape Soda in the Parking Lot, I won’t remain alone, and Fast Eddie.