Oct 22 '23 (Virtual)
A man’s spirit lingers, watching over his son as he processes his grief while keeping a sacred fire to light his father’s journey back home to the spirit world.
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
A struggling Latinx healer considers abandoning the physical world for promises of a digital utopia.
Oct 21 '23 (Virtual)
A "pandemic dream film," inspired by the work of Elise Paschen. This film mirrors itself as rich soundscapes play over vast landscapes, creating a lonely tension between the visible and the invisible.
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 19 '23 (Virtual)
Oct 18 '23 (Virtual)
A working homeless mother struggles to make ends meet, but does her best to provide her daughter with a safe and loving environment despite living out of their car.
Oct 20 '23 (Virtual)
Flashing LightsRaya loves make up but her family does not. Torn between her dreams and her Papua New Guinean family’s strict religious beliefs, she finds comfort in her ancestors.
Oct 18 '23 (Virtual)