Audio Works​

Welcome to the 2023 Official Selection listening page for audio works. The works on this page span across genres including podcasts, experimental sounds, fictional storytelling, songs, and many more!

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Saltwater Soundwalk

Artists: Rachel Lam
Malaysian), Jenny Asarnow

USA | 2022 | 54 min

English | Experimental Audio


(Re)Story Podcast

Artists: Carly Morriseau (Cree/Métis), Danielle Wray

Producer: Dr. Michelle Johnson-Jennings (Choctaw)

Canada | 2023 | 29 min

English | Podcast


Onyota'a:ka Culture, History and Healing

Artist: Judith Schuyler (Onyota’a:ka (Oneida))

Canada | 2023 | 22 min

Onyota’a:ka, English | Podcast

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Seedcast, Season 2 Episode 14: The Life-Giving Pottery of Katsitsionni Fox

Artist: Jessica Ramirez (Mexican of Indigenous Descent)

Producer: Taylor Hensel (Cherokee)

USA | 2022 | 28 min

English | Podcast


Stolen: Surviving St. Michael’s (Episode 1)

Artist: Connie Walker (Cree)

USA | 2022 | 34 min

English | Podcast

Simple Neutral Online Summit Instagram post-2 (1)

Spilling Labrador Tea Under Cedar Trees: Say, Don't Colonize

Artists: Katelynne Herchak (Inuit), Madeleine Begin (Mi’kmaq)

Canada | 2022 | 40 min

Inuktitut, Mi’kmaw, English | Podcast



Artist: Ramon Mahegkan Kataquapit (Mushkego Cree/Taino)

Canada | 2023 | 4 min

English | Song

Jeremy Dutcher and Kahstoserakwathe Paulette Moore

The Aunties Dandelion Podcast: Interview with Jeremy Dutcher

Artist: Kahstoserakwathe Paulette Moore (Kanyen′kehà:ka)

Canada | 2022 | 69 min

Kanyen′ké:ha, Wolastqiyik, English | Podcast

The Conduit Still 1

The Conduit

Artist: Lacey Hill (Oneida/Mohawk)

Canada | 2022 | 4 min

English | Song


The River

Artists: Piata Gardiner-Hoskins (Māori), Todd Karehana (Māori)

New Zealand | 2023 | 85 min

Māori, English | Experimental audio

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Protect Bald Eagles: Warrior Kids Podcast

Artist: Pamela Palmater (Mi’kmaq)

Canada | 2022 | 17 min

English | Podcast


Warriors Paradox

Artists: Dante Biss-Grayson (Osage), Bawaadan Collective

USA | 2022 | 2 min

English | Film Score

Turtle Island Talks

Turtle Island Talks (Episodes 3 + 4)

Artists: Kim Wheeler (Mohawk/Anishinaabe), Pamela Palmater (Mi’kmaq)

Producer: Kaylen Belair (Métis)

Canada | 2022 | 120 min

English | Podcast